by Bob Sartoris | Apr 1, 2008 | 2008
April 2008: Thank you for the good… It was such a blessing to be back in Kenya again recently and to see and talk with so many friends and coworkers in the churches there. Everywhere we went, we heard stories of how the recent violence has taken its toll on the...
by Bob Sartoris | Mar 1, 2008 | 2008
March 2008 I saw something at church last Sunday that gave me something to think about. A little girl tugged on her mother’s hand and tried to pull her off course along the slick sidewalk leading to the front doors of the church. A bit agitated, the mother held firm...
by Bob Sartoris | Feb 1, 2008 | 2008
February 2008: Blessed are the available… Max Lucado has written an excellent book entitled “The Applause of Heaven” which gives an inspiring and thought provoking look at the Beatitudes. His premise for the book is that God intends for us to experience true...
by Bob Sartoris | Jan 1, 2008 | 2008
January 2008 I know it’s an odd time of year to be talking about gardening. Just thinking about feeling the hot summer sun on my face again won’t help me to feel any warmer on a day like today–right now it is 4 degrees outside and the wind is making it feel...
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