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April 2008: Thank you for the good…

It was such a blessing to be back in Kenya again recently and to see and talk with so many friends and coworkers in the churches there.  Everywhere we went, we heard stories of how the recent violence has taken its toll on the people.  Families separated, many living in refugee camps, homes burnt and crops destroyed, many workers sitting idle, food and other essentials in short supply, churches and schools vandalized and inflation making it hard for anyone to get back to a normal life again.  In short, they’ve got a lot of reason to be discouraged. 

And yet, they are not letting these problems get them down.  They’re picking up the pieces and putting their lives back in order.  Their attitude is not, “Woe is me!” but rather, “Praise the Lord; we came through it alive!” 

Our work in Kenya went very well and we completed the two videos for the church on how to help those dealing with HIV/AIDS issues.  We worked on the Bible Club TV series for kids and also helped to finalize plans for another teaching series for youth.  Overall, it was a busy and productive three weeks!

Thank you once again for sharing with us in this ministry.  Your prayers and support are a vital part of our partnership with the churches in Kenya!