Our Mission:
Global Outreach for Christ is a ministry partnership with churches and ministries around the world, bringing together those who desire to help communicate the gospel to “…every tongue, tribe, people and nation.”
Following the Apostle Paul’s lead, our goal is to “…set forth the truth plainly” in ways that audiences will hear, understand, and respond to the hope, grace, and peace that comes through a relationship through Jesus Christ.

Bob and Jane Sartoris began mission work in media-based ministry in 1993, sent out by the Athens (OH) Church of Christ. Their first assignment took them to Nairobi, Kenya to work in partnership with Good News Productions, International. They relocated to the USA in 2005, settling in the Indianapolis, IN area.
At the encouragement of their Board of Directors, Global Outreach for Christ, Inc. was formed in 2007, receiving their IRS 501 c3 non-profit status that year. They are currently registered in Kansas, Indiana and Ohio.
Bob and Jane both have degrees in Bible from Kentucky Christian University. Bob also completed BA studies in Mass Media/Communications from the University of Akron and an MFA in Film Production from Ohio University.
To date, Bob has produced over 200 video projects, taught hundreds of students in over 40 countries, and continues to consult with ministry organizations around the world.
What we do:
Using Media…
Production services:
– Video & audio
– Internet-based digital platforms
– Production management
– Personalized, on-site media training
– Adjunct course curriculum
– Media-driven communication strategies
– Equipment / system design and installation
…for God’s Message!
– Inspirational storytelling / teaching dramas
– Evangelistic content for unreached people groups
– Discipleship materials for home study / small groups
– Media-based outreach campaigns